We are Mavericks

Tesani is a permanent capital investment firm that starts, acquires and operates well-run, profitable service and software businesses.

Eight Core Values

Work Hard and Good Things Happen

The harder we work, the luckier we get.

All In

We are one team. We win together, we lose together. We bet on Tesani and Tesani bets on us.

The Customer is Our Obsession

If a customer is upset, we’ve failed. We learn and we fix it.

We Give Back

It’s who we are. True happiness comes from helping others.


Success is giving up what we want now for what we want most.


We are lean and mean. We are smart and resourceful. We deliver, whatever it takes.

We Are Lifelong Learners

Once you stop learning you start dying. Our greatest investment is in our people.

We Are Mavericks

We have diverse talents but not diverse values. We love the ocean and the vans on our feet.

